Monday, June 15, 2009

Mee Goreng Udang

A recipe inspired by Abah's mee goreng udang:

1. Get your udangs... the bigger the better (kecik2 tak main aaa)
2. Boil the udangs until cooked... and don't throw away the water
3. Things to blend: onions, garlic, tomato, dried chilli (or chilli paste), and some of that water from the boiled prawns (all measurement of ingredients are according to your gut feeling)
4. Tumis those things that you blended
5. After the tumis smells good and look cooked enough, put a dash of oyster sauce... a dash of kicap... a dash of chilli sos... sprinkle some salt... and just keep adding those things until the tumis tastes really good!
6. put in the prawns (you may want to take the skins off first if you want to save time eating the mee later)... then put in some chopped daun kucai.. or chopped sawi.. or whatever veggie you feel suitable
7. Stir.. Stir.. Stir...
8. During that time, put your mee kuning in some hot water to soften in, then mix it in the wok with that tumis
9. Stir and fry until all blends well.
10. Additional trick: you can add some peanut butter if you have some for that nutty taste.
11. And the mee goreng udang is done! Serve with some cili hijau potong.

*next time i make some, i'll add a pic.

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