Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Spanish Rice with Garlic Butter Prawn Veggie

for today we decided to go for international dish... from a box! hehehe.. thanks to Continental instant rice, dinner can now vary from continent to continent.

On the menu tonight was Spanish rice. We added some diced beef burgers into the rice to make it fuller.

Then for the side dish was Garlic Butter Prawn Veggie. i quickly browsed for some spanish prawn recipes and found that they used a lot of garlic (correct me if i'm wrong). the side dish could easily turn out to be 'sayur campur goreng' je sebenarnya, tapi tak best la kan, kalau lauk rasa melayu and nasi rasa spanish.

so for the side dish, i melted butter in the pan, then sautee some sliced onions and minced garlic. a lot of garlic compared to the onions. then put in the prawns, cauliflower and carrot. and towards the end, sprinkled some parsley flakes and salt and pepper.

the final touch before we eat our spanish rice dish was to squeeze some lemon juice on the rice and side dish, and sprinkle some chili powder for some extra zing!

Roti Jala & Kari Ayam

so i wanted to make some roti jala, and i did!

roti jala was a first time. got the recipe from the net. senang rupanya. tapi lepas dah buat baru la call mak and got some tips. but have to use the tips for next round of roti jala since aritu tak sempat.

for the batter, all you need is flour, egg, water, and pewarna kuning or serbuk kunyit, and salt.

if you use about 500g of flour (which is half of the 1kg pack) then use only 1 egg. add the water until the mixture is cair2 sikit. and add the kunyit until you get the yellow colour, and salt to taste. now here's the trick from mak. instead of mixing the batter by hand, mix then in the blender. yupp. blend them. and then let it rest for a while before actually doing the jala. dont' forget, tapis dulu satu round sebelum start menjala. by the way, you have to have the jala acuan to do this.

then for the kari, like any kari ayam recipe.
dice bawang and garlic and ginger and tumis with kayu manis and bunga lawang.
then mix in paste of kari ayam and chilli and tumis.
then add some water. add diced chicken. add carrot or potatoes.
last add coconut milk and salt.
oh ya, daun kari jangan lupa deh.

this time i made a kick asss chicken curry! sedap gileee!!!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

i made ayam masak merah and nasik tomato with cinnemon stick inside! i also added coconut milk in the nasik tomato yummmmm

i made the ayam masak merah [using blended cili with bawangs and halia and tomato +puree]

and today it became sooo pekat it was sooo good!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

chicken soup for the winter soul

so it's winter, which equals to cold, which equals to change of mood in the kitchen, which means kadang2 rajin sangat, kadang2 malas sangat.

so tonite it's chicken soup on the menu.. aaahhh.. chicken soup for the winter soul... which reminds me of Mak's Stew and Gumbo! (mak, i left ur stew recipe kat ofis kat malaysia.. so u have to give us the recipe again. and also the gumbo! it has been more than 10 years since u last made gumbo! *all the recipes dlm internet mcm complex jee... clam broth?? say whaaatt??*)

i think chicken soup recipe ni sekadar post filler je la yeh. nak memeriahkan blog anak-anak mak. who knows one day boleh jadi buku ye tak?

konsep soup hari ni adalah boil and throw.

boil water.
throw in (nicely) chopped onions, chopped garlic, chopped ginger (but i used ginger powder yg Mak bagi).
throw in ur chickens.
then throw in diced veggies: potato, carrots, cauliflower, whatever you have in ur fridge.
throw in soup bunjut, then some salt and pepper.

kalau ada celery sure lagi best kan. takpe, maybe next time ;)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

ginger lime salmon with cous cous

tonight my friend yang masak
we made cous cous with salmon

for the cous cous base and sauce

vinegar + olive oil- to boil

peppers, shallots, garlic, salt, pepper, crushed chilli = sautee til brown, squeeze lime, then add the boiled vineggar/olive oil mix

use half of it for the cous cous and the otehr half for salmon sauce

for the sauce add in ginger, honey, more lime

oil the pan, add the salmon [oh sprinkle kosher salt and pepper on it with chili powder]
first put it in skin side up, then flip it skin side down after u see it cooked half way, pur the sauce on top. let the sauce cook more til lebih pekat, and add the thicker sauce again

while the cooks,
toast the dried cous cous with the otehr half i mentioned, add in a cup and a quarter of water, let it cook

and then serve it with toasted baguette with olive oil on side.

enjoy :)

sorry for the unorganized posts!!!try it out! lots of IRON!

Friday, June 19, 2009

macaroni bakar ala malaya

so today for lunch i made macaroni bakar (ooops didnt go to uni today coz will be going out to do my project).

and i made a whole packet! byk giler! coz since now we have a microwave, alang2 nak masak, buat banyak, then boleh freeze kan.

this is soo easy and tasty. and it's not like one of those pasta yg rasa mcm italian. ni very melayu. got the recipe from my friend.

now the trick to make the macaroni taste really really good, is to boil it with chicken broth.

what u need:
bawang merah, bawang putih
veggie kalau ada: carrot, bell pepper, mushroom
additional: cheese (i used parmesan coz ada left over lagi in the fridge)

so here's how it went:

1. boil chicken.. or chicken pieces.. what ever you have.. i added 2 cubes of chicken stock coz i didnt have much chicken parts

2. then after the chicken is cooked and you have with u the chicken broth, take out the chicken, and put in a packet of macaroni and boil it. if tak cukup air, just add some water and keep boiling.

3. while the macaroni's boiling, then u can start preparing the veggie.
- dice some onion and garlic (i used 2 onions and 4 cloves garlic)
- i diced carrot, green bell peppers and white mushroom (i love white mushroom here!!!)

4. then get ur wok or pan, and tumis bawangs..and the veggies tadi. after that's done, u can cut or carik2 ur chicken pieces... bagi isi2 dia jadi kecik...

5. so after ur macaroni's done boiling, get the remaining water out.. kecik kan api, then masukkan all tumisan tadi and ur chicken and just mix. then tambah la cili sos sket.. kicap sket.. tomato sos sket.. and garam.. until u've got ur perfect taste. don't forget some black pepper :)

6. then masukkan telur and ur cheese.. and kacau2. u can either kacau until it's all cooked, or kacau halfway and bake halfway. if u bake, u could get the baked macaroni effect and if keras enough, masa nak serve boleh potong.

It's very simple. and remember, the trick is to boil ur macaroni in the chicken broth making every bit of ur macaroni tasty!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

kek ceklat

malam kelmarin, at 10 pm, i decided to bake a cake. actually dah plan nak buat choc cake since sunday.. tapi tak buat2.. even got the butter out since sunday. mujur lah cuaca sejuk, so butter tak cair and was just nicely soft. got the recipe from my friend. but still waiting for Mak's recipe. the chocolate cake was not bad... rasa mcm the cocoa that i used mcm rasa tak cocoa sangat kot.. and the cake was not so sweet. buat after buat Chocolate Ganache topping which was a bit sweeter and had more cocoa taste, the cake tasted quite good... and i like saying that Ganache!!! mcm powerrrr jeeeee.. padahal choc topping je.. and tak susah rupanya buatnye :)

here's the recipe.. quite simple:

these are the things u need. make sure u have a measuring cup, measuring spoon, scale, mixer and sifter (or penapis pun boleh)

1. 225 gram butter/margarine (soft at room temperature)
2. 500 gram castor sugar (sugar yg halus tu)
3. 4 biji telur
4. 400 gram flour
5. 500 ml fresh milk (yesterday's milk can also.. hehe)
6. 125 gram cocoa powder
7. 1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate soda
8. a cap of esen vanilla

the how to:

1. Beat butter and sugar sampai kembang using your mixer.
2. Masuk telur sikit2 and selang2 with susu, and continue mixing using mixer.
3. Now it's time to mix using spoon or pengacau apa2. sift in the tepung sikit2..then soda bikarbonat... then serbuk koko..and vanilla. you can sift either while weighing or right before u put them in the mix, just to make sure takkan ada lumps.. then kacau and gaul sampai sebati.
4. sediakan acuan. this recipe makes byk jugak adunan... so prepare two casing or u can make twice. u can even make cupcakes :)
5. then panaskan oven at 180C for about 5 minutes.. then dah panas, masukkan acuan and bake for about 40-50 minutes.. or more if needed. cek with lidi ke apa to make sure dlm tu tak cair.

how to make the CHOC GANACHE:

1. get a cup of susu pekat (evaporated milk)
2. 60 gram butter
3. 50 gram serbuk koko
*these measurements takyah exact pun takpe..

now u need to use a double boiler. do u know what a double boiler is? haaa... nih mak ajar nihh... meaning kita boil dlm another pot yg ada air panas boiling. for example, i used a big pot to boil water. and when it boils, then i pun all the ingredients in a little pot. and hold the little pot over the big pot.. making sure the little pot rendam dlm air of the big pot but make sure jangan bagi any air termasuk dlm ur mix. so kacau2 laa.. until all mix well.. kalau kurang manis, add a bit more susu pekat.. or add sugar..

after that's done, and after ur cake dah cool down, pour it over or just sapu2 atas kek like a topping. gerenti jadik punye :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


look what i made today!

i baked it instead of deep frying it, yang kelip kelip tak cantik tu my roomate yang try haha

for the dough i used this recipe http://rinnchan.fotopages.com/?entry=1144540

for the inti i used used minced meat and curry powder and spices, lots of mashed up potato...

i have more dough, nak buat ngan sardin lah!

tak sangka senang!!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

mee kari mariah curry

so these are the stuff that i already have at home:

  • mee kuning baki from buat mee goreng kelmarin
  • diced chicken
  • togeh and sawi
  • bawang merah, bawang putih
  • rempah kari ayam/daging
  • cili powder, dried chilli
  • halia serbuk mak bagi
  • tamarind paste
  • kayu manis and bunga lawang
  • santan serbuk
  • bawang goreng dalam balang
  • daun kari

so then i thought, hmm since ada mee kuning try buat mee kari lah. i'm almost 29 and this is my first time buat mee kari okeh!!! (tak pernah ada occasion yang terasa nak makan mee kari. laksa is on the very top of the list at all times for noodles)

this recipe serves 2 person. gerenti boleh habis licin.

1. Rebus ayam
2. Blend: 1 red onion, 3 cloves garlic
3. Mix: 4 tea spoons of curry powder, chilli powder sket, chilli flakes sket (i have these dry stuff coz they don't spoil)
4. Tumis: blended bawangs, cinnamon stick and bunga lawang, and halia (either serbuk or actual halia, it doesn't matter)
5. lepas tu, tumis pulak curry powder mix tadi... sampai la naik minyak (bak kata mak la kan. hehehe)
6. when oil gone upstairs, masuk kan rebusan ayam and air2 rebusan tu skali...
7. masuk pulak sikit tamarind paste utk masam2 sket...
8. then santan... make sure tapis santan in case la berkedak pulak nnt kan...
9. oh ya... lupa.. daun kari... maybe should tumis skali kot daun kari?
10. dan jangan lupa.. garam secukup rasa :) kalau tak cukup pedas, boh lagi chilli powder bagi hangat!

lepas kuah mariah curry dah masak, boil water in another pot, utk celurkan sawi and togeh tadi. potong2 dulu sawi tu, then boil kejap.. until dia lembut je.. kalau ada tauhu pun sure best.. goreng dulu tauhu.. then masuk skali dlm kuah.. uhhhh kalau ada fishball and fishcake pun lagi laa meriah mariah curry ku itu.

after that, apa lagi, aturkanlah dlm mangkuk! horeeyyy berjaya buat mee kari mariah curry :p

vegie burrito

ok so
key ingredients for spanish food : CILANTRO AND LIME

i like to add cilantro and onions to my beans, i cook til i can mush it

make my guacamole like the recipe below

sometimes i make salsa, which is the same recipe as the guac minus the avocado, which is tomato, peppers, onion, garlic, cilantro, lime

sautee huge chunks of onions and yellow bell peppers in olive oil until soft and sweet

then heat up ur flour tortilla, add the rice, beans, guacamole, salsa, jack cheese and enjoy

its quick, easy, and cheap! in NYC la, sbb byk latin markets...

oh and u can enjoy with hot sauce on the side

Monday, June 15, 2009


don't you guys just miss guacemole?!

please tell me kat malaysia ada somewhere i can find fresh avocado !!! i am addicted

i decided to try out my own guacemole based on my taste buds, and yay jadi! so here it is:

a whole avocado, you would be surprised how much you can get some a little avocado

chopped up onion, garlic, tomato, cilantro [my fav! cant live without]

mix it with the mashed avocado

add cumin, salt, pepper, lime

until it all tastes yum

goes great with burritos

or use it as a dip for chips

this is what i eat when im broke :D

i am growin my own avocado plant in our terrace, nanti i amik gamba!
i am also growing, or trying to grow tomato, chives, peppers, and african blue basil which i use in my breakfast egg all the time :)

Mariah Currey

so minggu lepas at my neighborhood market ada this indian malaysian lady giving out samples of her satay made using her rempah. it tasted good so i decided to get the satay rempah she sold...it came with recipe kuah kacang as well so i decided to try it

i marinated my boneless chicken pieces with the rempah, its kind of like rempah kari actually, with vinnegar, and a bit of sugar, and some salt,

while that marinated i tried out the kuah kacang with chucnky peanut butter!! jadi!!
i pureed diced onions, [just by adding lots of onions and a cup of water in the kuali] sampai lembut
then i think i added 3 spoonfuls of peanut butter, a bit if the rempah, lemon grass, kaffir lime leaves, tamarind paste, a spoonful of coconut milk, and salt to taste, oh and i added some cili kering as well..

the next day i decided that if i add the chicken with coconut milk itll be curry, [i have never made curry before ok! so it was like, OH MY GOSH IM SO SMART! hahaha]
so that is what i did, i tumis some bawangs and then added the chicken, some coconut milk, lemon grass, kaffir lime leaves, potato, tomato, and then i added some of the peanut sauce in it!!

so its like kari plus lemon grass taste plus peanut, rasa mcm thai red curry

served with jasmine rice, and avocado salad yummm

Nasik Ayam

so i have never attempted to make nasik ayam before
but then i got broke and hungry and decided to try it!!

to marinate the chicken, [i used drumsticks/chicken wings/ and chicken boobs]
i made up the mix until rasa mcm mak punya, which includes whatever i got in my dapur:

black sesame oil
balsamic vinnegerette
cili sos
salt and pepper
dark soy sauce

then tumis bawang merah / bawang puteh/ halia and add in the mix, and then use it to marinate the chicken for an hour or two, place it in a baking pan with chunks of potato cubes and huge onion slices, pop it in the oven

while thata cooks u make the rice :)
tumis bawang merah/puteh and halia again [oh with olive oil] , add in the rice, gaul sampai wangi and then use chicken broth to make the rice in the rice cooker, add a few drops of pandan essence since in NY susah carik pandan [only frozen ones in china town] oh and add cilantro too

for the sambal,
blend cili kering, poblano peppers from latino market next door, garlic, halia, cilantro, honey, and then add squeezed lime juice

the end :)


Mee Goreng Udang

A recipe inspired by Abah's mee goreng udang:

1. Get your udangs... the bigger the better (kecik2 tak main aaa)
2. Boil the udangs until cooked... and don't throw away the water
3. Things to blend: onions, garlic, tomato, dried chilli (or chilli paste), and some of that water from the boiled prawns (all measurement of ingredients are according to your gut feeling)
4. Tumis those things that you blended
5. After the tumis smells good and look cooked enough, put a dash of oyster sauce... a dash of kicap... a dash of chilli sos... sprinkle some salt... and just keep adding those things until the tumis tastes really good!
6. put in the prawns (you may want to take the skins off first if you want to save time eating the mee later)... then put in some chopped daun kucai.. or chopped sawi.. or whatever veggie you feel suitable
7. Stir.. Stir.. Stir...
8. During that time, put your mee kuning in some hot water to soften in, then mix it in the wok with that tumis
9. Stir and fry until all blends well.
10. Additional trick: you can add some peanut butter if you have some for that nutty taste.
11. And the mee goreng udang is done! Serve with some cili hijau potong.

*next time i make some, i'll add a pic.